The California fires: Enough already


This whole incident, albeit tragic for the victims, is nonetheless an affront to the Katrina victims. Yes, people lost their houses, yes there were a few deaths, yes it is sad, but most (if not all) of the victims can afford to rebuild their houses, unlike the victims of Katrina. Furthermore, the devastation that was laid by Katrina in New Orleans and Mississippi is far greater than that of California. Added to absurd situation, the fact that Bush responded so fast to the Malibu fires, is outrageous. Oh, the poor rich people of Malibu, oh art though going to do without your multi million dollar house? Let’s send them some food that they can afford on their own and give them shelter (when they have houses everywhere in the world), shall we? It is a slap on the face of the thousands of people who were displaced during Katrina. Add insult to injury, this fire might have been averted if a young boy hadn’t light a match, that started this whole ordeal! Oh and another thing, why did the media focused on the celebrities who lost their homes? Like I give a fuck that some Hollywood tart won’t be sleeping in her lovely mansion tonight! Why do we treat these people like gods, when they do not deserve it. I say, enough already, let’s talk about things that matters, for fuck sake!

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