Axe shower gel ad

You gotta love whomever is the ad agency for Axe.  I love every one of their ads.  Yes, most of them have scantily clad girls, but I am not one of these girls who gets offended because a half-naked girl is used as a device to sell a product to males.  I could care less.  Sex sells, FFS, so get over it!  No, I am not going to spend one more minute talking about that.  These ads are funny and does drive the point home that without these products, you won’t get laid, period!  It goes for the unconscious need that man have to mate with some chick, preferably a hot one.  This appeal to what truly motivates men, in terms of personal hygiene, shows how the company that produces AXE are savvy marketers.  Just like the feminine products of the early 20th century, whose ad appealed to women’ s need to look young and fresh, in order to “catch” a husband, AXE pinpoints how important women consider good hygiene as a quality in a man.  Let’s face it girls, who wants to date a “stinky ass” dude?!  I am not saying that I would like my potential mate to be drench in cologne(in fact, I do not like it), but at least, it would be nice to have a man who smells good, even if its a faint smell.   These ads are perfect to bring that fact into men’s consciousness and they are creative to boot!

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